Uganda Road Distances
Figure estimates of Uganda’s road distance from Major towns and boarders
Road Distances in Uganda,
Uganda Road Distances-Major Towns
356 370
380 098 432
487 203 483 107
493 205 481 105 145
Sudan Boarder near Nimule
237 172 198 234 341 399
114 364 402 426 469 531 283
464 668 298 739 837 835 496 519
556 760 390 822 929 927 588 602 092
DRC Border-Bunagana
034 284 322 346 452 459 203 080 430 522
300 018 352 080 185 187 154 346 650 742 266
Karuma Falls
745 348 682 250 162 307 484 631 980 1072 596 330
538 256 590 249 356 256 392 584 888 980 504 238 499
554 272 606 265 372 281 408 600 904 996 520 254 515 016
DRC Near Vura
171 421 378 483 590 588 340 217 293 385 137 403 733 625 641
251 116 254 178 285 283 056 297 552 644 217 098 428 320 336 354
284 329 572 364 344 469 453 170 680 772 250 311 461 533 549 387 395
317 567 232 588 695 693 430 363 147 239 283 549 879 771 787 146 486 533
408 612 242 674 781 779 440 454 096 188 374 594 924 816 832 237 496 624 091
Tanzania Border
508 390 796 321 281 428 512 394 904 966 474 372 255 594 610 611 456 224 757 848
343 121 346 114 221 219 148 389 644 746 309 103 364 216 232 446 092 414 578 588 475
381 232 552 267 247 372 354 267 777 869 347 214 393 436 452 284 298 097 630 721 158 317
239 374 527 409 389 514 408 125 534 727 205 356 506 578 594 342 422 045 488 579 269 459 142
257 392 454 427 207 532 426 143 653 745 223 374 524 596 612 360 440 663 506 597 287 477 160 018
Kenya Border Malaba Bridge
The key highways are a couple of lane class six roads. Driving a motor vehicle in Uganda and Rwanda and Burundi is fairly an event, yet probably the very best method of begin to see the country. 1 nevertheless needs to be watchful of Pedestrians, Cyclists, wildlife and Animals on all driveways. Drivers need a legitimate international driving license, and should carry their vehicle log books. They’ll be anticipated to exhibit adequate 3rd party insurance, and pay a brief road license.
Principal roads are typically great but travel is a great deal slower than you are on European roads. Secondary roads are of variable standard, usually slow and bumpy; some demand high four-wheel drive vehicles. Light aircraft may also be chartered towards the primary destinations. Visitors drives about the left side in Uganda; in Rwanda, Congo and Burundi visitors drives on the very best. The automobile and driver are generally employed between morning and 6.00pm. Vehicle and driver have to ‘t be employed beyond 21.00pm associated with a day in Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and Burundi and upcountry locations, vehicle have to not work beyond 19h00. In Congo and Burundi, vehicle and drivers have to not work beyond 18.00pm