Kampala Hotels Uganda, Accommodation , Cheap Hotels in Uganda – Hotel Prices

Hotels in Kampala
Ivys Hotel Kampala UgandaMugalaasi Place, 90/91, |
Already Hotel** |
Africana Hotel Kampala**** |
Aminaz Garden Place**31 Acacia Avenue , |
Apsen Place:,Plot 773, Ggaba Road, |
Athina Club**30 windsor Crescent Kololo |
Blue Mango**Old Kira Road, Bukoto |
Bougainviller Hotellocated in Bugolobi near the city |
Speke HotelLocated in the heart of Kampala. |
Dolphin suites***36 Princess Anne Drive Bugolobi |
Emin Pasha****7 Akii Bua Road, Nakasero |
Equatoria Hotel****William street. |
Fairway Hotel*** |
Fang Fang Hotel***9 Ssezibwa Road, Nakasero |
Grand imperial Hotel**** |
Havana Hotel**28, Mackay road |
Hotel International 2000 Ltd.***Tankhill Road Muyanga, |
Hotel Le Bougainviller1-7, Katazamizi Rd, Bugolobi. |
Holiday Express Hotel**Luwum Street, |
Mambo point*** |
Namirembe Guest House**Namirembe hill, 1085 Willis road |
Serena Kampala Hotel****32 nile Avenue |
Shangrila Hotel***8 Ternan Avenue |
Tourist Hotel* |
Africana Hotel Ltd, 2-4 Wampewo Ave, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4777000. Fax: (041) 4348090/1. Mobile: +256 752748080/1.
Email: africana@hotelafricana.com. Website: www.hotelafricana.com.
Cassia Lodge & Restaurant, Buziga Hill, Kampala.
Mobile: +256 755 777002/4
Email: cassia.lodge@hotmail.com.
Capitol Palace Hotel. 26-32 Katalima Crescent, Naguru Hill.
Tel: (041) 4289244/5. Mobile: +256 714 000784 / +256 712 208775.
Email: reservations@capitolpalace.ug. Website: www.capitolpalace.ug
City Royal Resort, Plot 8-10 Kataza Close, Opposite Shell Bugolobi.
Tel: (041) 425803 / 4258046.
Mobile: +256 755 919000 / +256 755 919002
Email: cityresortkampala@yahoo.co.uk or reservations@cityroyalkampala.com
Emin Pasha Hotel, 27 Akii Bua Road, Nakasero,
Kampala. Tel: (041) 4236977-9. Fax: (041) 4236231.
Email: info@eminpasha.com. Website: www.eminpasha.com
Equatoria Hotel, 37-39 William Street, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4250783. Fax: (041) 4250146.
Fairway Hotel, 1 Kafu Road, Nakasero, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4257171-2. Email: info@fairwayhotel.co.ug,
booking@fairwayhotel.co.ug, feedback@ fairwayhotel.co.ug, Website: www.fairwayhotel.co.ug
Fang Fang Hotel, 9 Ssezibwa Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4235828/ 4233115. Fax: (041) 4233620.
Email: fangfanghotel@yahoo.com. www.fangfang.co.ug
Golf Course Hotel, Plot 64-88 Yusuf Lule Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4563500 / (031) 2302280. Fax: (041) 4563591.
Email: reservation@golfcoursehotel. com. Website: www.golfcoursehotel.com
Grand Imperial Hotel, Nile Ave.
Tel: (041) 4250681-8. Email: imperial@starcom.co.ug
Holiday Express Hotel, 16-18 Luwum Street, Kampala.
Tel: (0312) 262858-9. Mobile: +256 772 669218. Fax: (041) 4252665.
Website: www.holidayexpresshotel.com
Hotel Triangle, 16 Buganda Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4231747 / 4233410. Fax: (041) 4231748.
Email: reservations@hoteltriangle.co.ug. Website: www.hoteltriangle.co.ug
Humura Resorts, 3 Kitante Close, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4700400 / 4700402. Fax: (041) 4235275.
Email: reservations@humura.or.ug. website: www.humura.org
Imperial Royal Hotel, 7 Kintu Road, Central
Kampala. Tel: (041) 7111001. Fax: (041) 7111222.
Email: information@irh.co.ug. Website: www.imperialhotel.co.ug
Kabira Country Club, 63 Old Kira Road, Bukoto,
Tel: (0312) 227222-3. Fax: (0312) 227226.
Email: kabiracountryclub@kabiracountryclub.com
Kampala Serena Hotel. 6-8 Nile Avenue.
Tel: (041) 4309000. Fax: (041) 4259130.
Email: kampala@serena.co.ug. Website: www.serenahotels.com
Le Petit Village Hotel, plot 1278,Quality hill, Gaba
Rd, Kampala, Tel: (0312) 265530-4 Fax: (041) 4510456,
Email: info@lepetitvillage.net, Website:www.lepetitvIllage.net
Metropole Hotel Kampala, 51-53 Windsor Crescent, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4391000. Fax: (041) 4391015.
Email: metropole@metropolekampala.com/reservations@metropolekampala.com. Website:www.metropolekampala.com
Protea Hotel, 4 Upper Kololo Terrace, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4550000 / (0312) 550000. Fax: (041) 4340762.
Email: res@proteakla.co.ug. Website: www.proteahotels.com/kampala.
Shangri-la Hotel, 8-10 Ternan Avenue, Nakasero.
Tel: (041) 4236213 / (0312) 261120.
Mobile: +256 772 619755. Fax: (041) 4236212. Email: hotel@shangri-la.co.ug.
Sheraton Kampala, Ternan Avenue, Nakasero.
Tel: (041) 4420000 / (031) 232249. Fax: (041) 4256696.
Email: sheraton@apolohotel.com
Sky Hotel International, 1423 Ntinda -Kiwatule
Tel: (041) 4240243, Fax: (041) 4240300
Mobile: +256 772 233314, Email: info@skyhoteluganda.com, Website: www.skyhotel.com
Speke Hotel, 7-9 Nile Avenue, Kampala. off Naalya Road,
Tel: (041) 4235332-5 / 4259221. Fax: (041) 4235345.
Email: speke@spekehotel.com
The Squires Guest House, Plot 1-3 Kiswa Road,
opposite taxi stage Bugolobi, Kampala.
Acacia Apartments, 23B Acacia Avenue & 48 Windsor Crescent, Kololo
Tel: (041) 4344329. Mobile: +256 772 471624.
Email: fnamusana@yahoo.com
Acacia Suites, 31 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4254644. Mobile: +256 712 212121.
Email: apartmentsinkampala@gmail.com / primeaccommodation@gmail.com.
Aspen Place Executive Suites.
773 Ggaba Road, Bunga. Tel: (041) 4269485.
Email: aspenplace@gmail.com
Castle Apartments, Plot 1844, Kisota road, Kisaasi,
Ntinda. Mobile: +256 754 372882.
Tel: (0312) 265812/3. Fax: (0312) 265814.
Email: info@castleuganda.com Website: www.castleuganda.com
Crystal Suites, Off old Portbell Road,Wankoko,
Bugolobi, Tel: +256 41 4259087, Mobile: +256 712 629483,
Email: info@crystalsuitesuganda.com Website: crystalsuitesuganda.com
Dolphin Suites, Princess Anne Drive, Bugolobi.
Tel: (041) 4505652/3/5. Fax: (041) 4505656.
Email: dolphin@infocom.co.ug. Website: www.dolphinsuites.co.ug
Elizabeth Apartments, Bukoto Rise, Naguru.
Mobile: +256 772 443355.
Email: hmfowler@utlonline.co.ug
Enkombe Place Apartments, 14A Serunkuma Road, Upper Mbuya, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4223179. Mobile: +256 772 342433 / +256 772 935572.
Email: info@enkombeplace.com. Website: www.enkombeplace.com
Golden Leaves, 1 Ternan Avenue, Nakasero.
Tel: (0312) 322499 / (041) 420000. Fax: (041) 4251172.
Email: frances@goldenleaveshotels.com. Website: www.goldenleaveshotels.com
Golf Course Apartments, 5 Makindu Close, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4255465 / 4342769. Email: gci@ golfcourseapartments.com
Hotel Ruch,
The Haven Apartments, 25 Bazeketta Road,
Rubaga (next to Rubaga Boys Primary School), Kampala.
Mobile: +256 752 695259 / +256 772 407119.
Email: stay@thehavenapartments.biz / reservations@thehavenapartments.biz.
Hill View, 7-9 Clement Hill Road, Nakasero.
Tel: (041) 4251434 / 4233963. Fax: (041) 4251412.
Kabira Club, 63 Old Kira Rd, Bukoto.
Tel: (0312) 227222-5.
Email: kabiracountryclub@kabiracountryclub.com
Mosa Court, 12 Shimoni Road, Nakasero.
Tel: (041) 4230321/ 4230292. Fax: (041) 4230310.
Email: mosa@infocom.co.ug. Website: www.mosacourt.info.
Nabacwa Apartments & Studio, 6 Naguru Vale
Off Katalima Road, Naguru Hill. Mobile: +256 752 765522.
Email: nabacwajg@yahoo.co.uk
Nkwanzi Courts, 1b Acacia Avenue, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4251878. Mobile: +256 712 900122.
Palais Dacha Pension & Apartments, Mutungo
Hill, Engineer’s Close, Kampala.
Mobile: +256 782 879490 / +256 772 583600.
Email: pdguesthouse@hotmail.com
Pearl Estates Uganda Ltd, Lugogo Showground,
Jinja Road, Kampala. Tel: (041) 4287467.
Fax: (041) 4345137. Mobile: +256 712896373.
Email: info@pearlestates.ug. Website: www.pearlestates.ug.
Prestige Apartments, 9 Lumumba Avenue,
Tel: (031) 2265306, (031) 2265307, Fax: (031) 2265308, Mobile: +256 702 820100
Email: info@prestige-apartments.com Website: www.prestige-apartments.com
Red Earth Developments Ltd, 1717 Bukasa-
Kyitabya, Muyenga, Kampala.
Tel: (0392) 201400. Fax: (0392) 254400. Mobile: +256 784 536659.
Regency Suites & Apartments, Plot 30 Lugogo Bypass, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4251878. Fax: (041) 4343212. Mobile: +256 792 700121 / + 256 752 743212.
Email: info@regency-suitesug.com.
Royal Suites, 14 Binayomba Road, off Luthuli Avenue, Bugolobi.
Tel: (031) 263816. Mobile: +256 +772 506752.
Email: royal@royalsuites.co.ug. Website: www.royalsuites.co.ug
Salama Springs, 79 Port Bell Road, Bugolobi.
Tel: (041) 4505969-71. Mobile: +256 772 464828.
Fax: (041) 4223025. Email: enquiry@salamaspring.com
Selonie Homes Limited, Salama Road, Munyonyo,
Tel:(041) 4373465, Mobile: +256 774 359169, Email:
info@seloniehomes.com, seloniehomesltd@yahoo.com Website: www.seloniehomes.com
Speke Apartments, 19 Wampewo Avenue, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4346180-1. Fax: (041) 4235345.
Email: spekehotel@spekehotel.com. Website: www.spekehotel.com
Speke Resort Munyonyo, Tel: (0312) 227111.
Fax: (0312) 227110. Email: spekeresort@spekeresort.com.
Website: www.spekeresort.com
Teach and Tour Sojourners (TATS), Plot 6 Nekambuza Road, Suite 1, Ntinda, Kampala. Tel. +256 777 080514. Email: information@teachandtour.com. Website: www.teachandtour.com
B&B The Tulip Tree, 9 Luthuli Lane, Bugolobi.
Tel: (041) 4500247. Mobile: +256 757 725555.
Email: reservations@bbtuliptree.co.ug.
Backpackers, Natete Road, Lunguja.
Tel: (041) 4274767. Mobile: +256 772 430587.
Email: backpackers@infocom.co.ug
Better Foundation (U) Ltd Hostel, Makerere
Kikoni. Tel: (041) 4532452. Mobile: +256 772 469474
Email: betterhostel@yahoo.co.uk. Website: graduataccommodationmakerere.com
Kampala Latino Club, 19 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, Kampala.
Mobile: +256 753 875227 / +256 773 781881.
Email: enquiries@kampalalatinoclub.com. Website: www.kampalalatinoclub.com
Hotel Ruch, 3 Kintu Road, Kampala.
Tel: (031) 2210110. Mobile: +256 702 820100 / +256 772 820100.
Email: reservations@hotelruch.com. Website: www.hotelruch.com
Real Tourist Twinklet, Salim Bay Link, Ntinda.
Email: tebs4432@yahoo.com
Red Chilli Hideaway, off Port Bell Road, Bugolobi.
Mobile: +256 772 509150 / +256 752 584054. Tel/Fax: (041) 4223903.
Email: chilli@infocom.co.ug
Buziga Country Resort,
Tel: (041) 4268966 / 4267034. Fax: (041) 4269836.
Email: info@buzigacountryresort.com
Forest Cottages. 17-18 Old Kira Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4287308. Fax: (041) 4287308. Mobile: +256 772 430819.
Email: Info@forest-cottages. com. Website: www.forest-cottages.com
Kabubbu Resort Manyangwa, Gayaza – Karagi Rd.
Mobile: +256 772 582704 / +256 782 770239.
Email: kabubbutourism@yahoo.com / Email: enochkagoda@yahoo.com.
Lindsay Cottages, Entebbe Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4200475 / (041) 4200587.
TAL Cottages, Rubaga-Kabusu Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4273330. Email: lukwanzit@yahoo.com
American Recreation Association, Makindye Hill
Road, Tel: (041) 4510290 / (0392) 767033.
Email: ara@africaonline.co.ug.
Aminaz Garden Place, 31 Acacia Avenue,
Tel: (041) 4500533-4. Mobile: +256 712 800045.
Athina Club, 30 Windsor Crescent, Kololo.
Tel: (041) 4341428. Fax: (041) 4236089.
Email: athina@infocom.co.ug
Ature Guest House, Plot 61 Ntinda Road, Ntinda.
Tel: (041) 4288772. Mobile: +256 776 666660.
Email: ature@utlonline.co.ug / info@ature.co.ug.
Eureka Place, 16 Vubyabirenge Road, Ntinda
Tel: +256 (041) 4287036, Fax: +256 (041) 4287061,
Email: info@eurekauganda.com Website: www.eurekauganda.com
Kawempe Country Inn, 576 Kawempe,
Tel: (041) 4568732 / (041) 4572140.
Email: kawempecountryinn@yahoo.co.uk.
Kings Country Resort, Buddo. Mobile: +256 782 914552.
Email: kingscountryresort@yahoo.ca. Website: www.kingscountryresort.com
Le Bougainviller, 1-7 Katazamiti Road, Bugolobi.
Tel: (041) 4220966. Email: hotel@bougainviller.com
Leisure Gardens, 2069 Kiwafu Estate Road,
Kansanga. Mobile: +256 772 584213 / +256 772 957260
Miami Club, Tank Hill Road, Muyenga.
Tel: (041) 4267571. Mobile: +256 774 805848.
Email: miamiclubug@yahoo.com
Mamba Point, 22 Akii Bua Road, Nakasero.
Tel: (0312) 563000. Mobile: +256 772 243225.
Email: guesthouse@mamba-point.com
Mary’s Guest House, Plot 114, Tank Hill, Muyenga.
Mobile: +256 773 092870
Namirembe Guest House, 1085 Willis Road, Namirembe Hill.
Tel: (041) 4273778. Mobile: +256 782 387 282/ +256 717 177755,
Email ngh@utlonline.co.ug, www.namirembe-guesthouse.com
Orchidea Guest House, 689 Tank Hill Road, Muyenga.
Mobile: +256 777 812017.
Email orchideaguesthouse@yahoo.it
Paradise Bird Inn, Muyenga, Busabala Close.
Mobile: +2156 782 201209. Email: bira@aol.com
Royal Arch Inn, 574 Mutebi Road, Kampala.
Tel: (041) 4345088. Fax: (041) 4530412.
Mobile: +256 712839125. www.royalarchinn.com.
Shires Country Club, Tank Hill, Muyenga.
Tel: (041) 4267145. Fax: (041) 4342850.
Stephanos Guesthouse, 9 Kiwafu Gardens,
Kansanga, Mobile: +256 772 626094
Email: stephanosguesthouse@gmail.com
The White Castle, Tel: (041) 4345683. Mobile:
+256 772 505098. Email: meassoc@utlonline.co.ug
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Guest House.
877 Balintuma Road, Mengo.
Mobile: +256 782 084326. Email: samkhn@yahoo.com
Cassia Lodge & Restaurant, Buziga hill Kampala,
Mobile: +256 755 777002/4,
Email: cassia.lodge@hotmail.com.
The Rain Forest Lodge Mabira, 4th Floor, Impala
H’se. Tel: (0414) 258273. 0312 260758, Fax: (0414) 233992.
Email: info@geolodgesafrica.com Website: www.geolodgesafrica.com
Ranch on the Lake Country Club,
Tel: (041) 4575 817 / (041) 4200148-7 / (041) 4259024.
Email: reservations@ranchonthelake.com.
Speke Resort, Munyonyo. Tel: (0312) 227111.
Email: spekeresort@spekeresort.com.
Tuhende Safari Lodge, 8 Martin Rd, Old Kampala.
Mobile: +256 772 468360 / +44 (0) 7768056 550.
Email: tuhendesafarilodge@yahoo.com