Kabale Hotels and Lodges in Uganda
Skyline Hotel, Kabale.
Tel: (0486) 22772. Mobile: +256 772 389030.
Email: skylinekabale@yahoo.com
Queens Hotel, Kabale.
Tel: (0486) 24054. Mobile: +256 752 692204 / +256 712 983506.
Email: hotelqueens@yahoo.com
The Amagara Café & Guesthouse, Muhumuza Road (100m from Hot Loaf Bakery), Kabale.
Mobile: +256 772 959667.
Lodges in Kabale
Albertine Rift Safaris Camps and Lodges Ltd, Mweya Hostel Queen Elizabeth NP.
Tel: (041) 4373050. Mobile: +256 772 609969.
Email: rift_hostelmweya@yahoo.co.uk
Bushara Islands Camp, Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale.
Tel: (0486) 423447 / 426110. Mobile: +256 772 464585.
Email: busharaisland@africaonline.co.ug.
Heritage Lodge, (Bookings: 14 Nakasero Road, Nakasero).
Mobile: +256 782 962633 / +256 772 357424.
Email: reservations@tangazatours.co.ug Website: www.tangazatours.co.ug
Nature’s Prime Island, Lake Bunyonyi.
Tel: (048) 4626129. Mobile: +256 772 423215 / +256 772 478411.
Email: naturesprimeisland@yahoo.co.uk./ info@naturesprimeisland.com
Website: www.naturesprimeisland.com
Rugigana Valley Campsite, Kisoro. Fax: (0873)
761610645. 5kms walk from Mgahinga gorilla office.
Bunyonyi Overland Resort, Lake Bunyonyi,
Kabale, Tel/Fax: (0486) 426016 / (0486) 423741.
Mobile: +256 772 409510 / +256 712 409510.
Email: highland@imul.com. Website: www.bunyonyioverland.com
Bushara Island Camp, Lake Bunyoni, Kabale.
Mobile: +256 772 464585. Tel: (0486) 26110.
Email: busharaisland@africaonline.co.ug Website: www.acts.ca/lbdc/bushara
Bwindi-View Bandas and Gorilla Nest
Campsite, Reservations: Kabale Gorilla Information
Office. Tel: (0486) 23741 / (0486) 23743. Mobile: +256 772 399224. Email: bwindiview@yahoo.com
Byoona Amagara Island Retreat, Itambira Island, Lake Bunyonyi.
Tel: (0486) 26273. Mobile: +256 752 652788.
Email: amagara@ susnow.org. Website: www.lakebunyonyi.net
Edirisa Museum Hostel, The Home of Edirisa.
Mobile: +256 772 558083.
Email: home@edrisa.org. Website: www.edirisa.org/travels
Heritage Tours, Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale. (Reservations: 14 Nakasero Road, Nakasero).
Mobile: +256 782 962633 / +256 772 357424.
Email: reservations@tangazatours.co.ug. Website: www.tangazatours.co.ug
Kalebas Camp (Nature Lodges),
Tel: (031) 2294894.
Email: booking@naturelodges.biz. Website: www.naturelodges.biz
Kisoro Mubano Campsite, Tel: (0486) 30067.
Mobile: +256 772 472748.
Nature’s Prime Island, Lake Bunyonyi.
Tel: (048) 4626129. Mobile: +256 772 423215 / +256 772 478411.
Email: naturesprimeisland@yahoo.co.uk/ info@naturesprimeisland.com
Website: www.naturesprimeisland.com
Arcadia Cottages, Bunyoni Road, Kabale.
Tel: (0486) 26231. Email: arcadiacottages@yahoo.com
Bunyoni Safaris Resort, Kabale, Uganda.
Bookings: (031) 2261001/2 / (041) 4347460.
Mobile: +256 772 707311. Email: info@bunyonyi. com. Website: www.bunyoni.com
Bunyonyi Overland Resort, Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale.
Tel/Fax: (0486) 426016 / (0486) 423741.
Mobile: +256 772 409510 / +256712 409510.
Email: highland@imul.com. Website: www.bunyonyioverland.com
Crater Bay Cottages, (Reservations: 34 Kabale Rd, Kabale).
Tel: (0486) 22368 / 23781. Mobile: +256 712 701207 / +256 772 643996.
Email: craterbaycottages@yahoo.com
Guest Houses / Innz
Cepha’s Inn – 7 Archer Road, Kabale.
Mobile: +256 772 444536. Tel: (0392) 821667.
Email: birungicephas@yahoo.com Amagara Cafe & Guesthouse, Muhumuza
The Amagara Café & Guesthouse,
Muhumuza Road (100m from Hot Loaf Bakery), Kabale.
Mobile: +256 772 959667