Camping in Uganda, Camping safaris and tours

There are several ways to adventure in Uganda’s countryside and National parks. One of the adventure tours in Uganda is out door camping and backpacking. Camping is one surely to feel the closer touch to Mother Nature’s gifts of birds, wild animals, insects, butterflies and the vegetation itself.
Often, backpacking tourists look for adventure and fun but disaster may come along the way. If you have decided to take a camping trip for Uganda’s national parks and forest reserves, make sure you have the right camping gear that includes tents, hiking boots, supplies and clothing. It may seem obvious for some of these tips but you often need to be reminded on the importance of having to follow the advice from the professionals.
Be careful when shopping for camping equipment to use in Uganda. Check the quality of camping tents, backpacks and boots you’ll be using on your trip to Uganda because they need to be very sturdy and stand the dust, shrubs and tears in the bush. Your backpack should have extra pockets on the side to keep items you need to use more often like drinking water bottles, sunscreen, ointment for insect bites and bruises, sunhat and other quick items. You also need lots of straps to keep your baggage in position and firm to the back. A padded backpack is good for comfort. Buy some small locks for safety!
Are you comfortable with the hiking boots? You do not need any pair of shoes for nature walks on Uganda’s rugged roads. Remember that you are going to be doing a lot of walking and safaris in the wild thus you need a comfortable pair to take you through the sunny and rainy days without hurting toes and feet!
Carry the right camping clothing such as warm jackets for the night, trousers and long sleeved shirts for safari walks and sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and anything you need. You’ll also need to carry utensils, chairs, tables, camping stove, flash lights and sleeping bags. Camping gear and equipment can be hired from the different campsites and travel agents.
Camping in Uganda is good for summer months. Camping in Uganda is done at designated sites within a park or forest reserve. Camping beyond these points may be dangerous with possible attacks from wild animals. Follow each of the guidelines that are given by park’s official at campsites and get a tour guide along for you safety concern.
Many of the camps in Uganda have self catering kitchen, a chef and basic facilities like a pit latrine, hot water buckets and a canteen. It is very important to carry extra supplies for fuel, food, drinking water and camera batteries because restocking centers are not many in the countryside.
Finally, be friendly and courteous to the local people you’ll find in the camping centers because these will help you with some tasks like making a camp fire, washing, fetching water and taking you around interesting places near the camps.
Kampala Campsites and Hostels
Backpackers Natete
: Tel 041 344417, 077 430587
International youth Hostels Uganda
, next to American embassy
Red chilli Hide Away
Off Port Bell road, bugolobi
tel: 077-509150 075-584054 Tel/Fax: 041 223903
Entebbe Campsites and Hostels
Entebbe backpackers
29, Church Road
Tel: 320380 Mobile: 077 482877
fraba Tourist Campsite and Hostel
, Entebbe
33/35 church road Tel: 041 320432, 077 -482877 071 849973
Email: fraba
Lutembe Beach Resort
along Entebbe road, off Namulanda
Tel 041 232009, 077-488496
Uganda Wildlife Education Centre
Tel: 041320520
Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary
, Magombe swamp at the western edge of Kibale National Park,approx 39 kms from Fortportal on the Fort portal Kamwenge Road Tel: 077 492274, Fax: 041 533574 0483 22636
Crater Valley Kibale
(CVK) forest resort beach
13 kms from fortportal town on Kamwenge Road, 100 meters at the edge of Kibale National Park. Tel: 077-492274, 077801118, 077-906549
Lake Nkuruba Nature Reserve
20kms from fort portal on the kibale Forest Road from Fort portal.
Rwengo Lakeside Campsite
: Located at lake Nyabikere on Kamwenge /Kibale Forest Road from Fortportal
Rweteera Safari Park and Tourist Camping Cente
r: Located immediately after Rwateera trading center and before CVK Camp.
Safari Camp and Guest House
: Nkingo Village, Kibale Forest, 45 mins south of Fortportal on Kamwenge road
Adrift /Nile high camp Campsite /dorm / bar and restuarant
.077-bungee (286433) or 077237438
Hairy Lemon
20 kms from Kayunga off Jinja Road. 077828338.
Hairy Lemon
, 20km from Kayunga off Jinja Rd.
Tel: 0772828338
Little Kingstone Da Global Village
, located next to Najjemba Village,
500m off the Jinja Road.
Mabira Forest Centre
: located next to Najjemba village, 500 metres off the Jinja Road.
Nile High Camp
, 3kms from Shell LingLing 077-237438, 077-286433
Nile River Explorers Backpackers lodge
41 Wilson Road, Jinja Tel: 043 120236, 077 422373
Nile River Explorer Campsite
, Bujagali Falls.
Tel: 043120236
source of the nile Gardens
. Tel: 071 860691
speke Camp
: Bujagali Falls
Tel: 077 960964, 077 -37 9566
Kabale/ Kisoro
Bunyonyi overland Camp
Tel: 0486 23743, 24700 077-409510 071 409510
Bushara Island Camp
077-464585 (0486)26110
Byoona Amagara Island Retrea
t, Itambira Island, Itambira Island,Lake Bunyonyi.
Tel: 0486-26273
Ishasha Wildernes Camp
, Tel: 041-321479
Jasper’s campsite
Itambira Island, Lake Bunyonyi.
Kalebas Campsite / Pizza Caf’e
, Lake Bunyonyi
Tel: 0772-907892
Kisoro Mubano Campsite:
Tel 0486 30067 077 472748
Mgahinga community Campground
: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Fax: Kisoro 0873-761610645
Red Chilli Gorilla Camp
: Mgahinga National park, 13kms from Kisoro at the park gate. Tel: 041 223903 077 509150 075 584054
Rugigana Valley Campsite:
Kisoro .Fax: 0873 761610645, 5kms from Mgahinga Gorilla Office.
Lake Nabugabo Campsite:
Off Nyendo-Bukakata Road
Masaka Backpackers cottage and campsite:
tel; 075-619389, 4kms from Masaka town on the road to Bukoba.
Mpanga Forest Eco-tourism site:
37 kmsfrom Kampala on the Masaka Road Tel: 077 488027
Murchison Falls
Busingiro Eco-tourist site
: Budongo forest, located 40 kms west of Masindi on the road to Butiaba.
Kaniyo Pabidi
,3 kms inside Murchison Falls park main gate.
Red Chilli rest camp 500 meter before the ferry at Paraa, Murchson Falls National park.
Nile River Company
, Tel: 0782-169474
Fax: 041-287915
Red Chilli Rest Camp
, 500m before the ferry paraa, Murchison Falls National Park
Sambiya River lodge bandas
.: 20 minutes from top of the falls. 041 233596, 041 344855
Shoebill Campsite
Fax: 041-233992,
Ruboni Community Campsite
: Rwenzori N.P located at the park entrance near to R.M.S
Sipi falls/mt Elgon
The Crow’s nest
, Sips Falls,Mbale close to Mount Elgon National Park.
Tel: 077-800705 077 802025 077-687924
Moses’ Campsite
, sipi falls Mbale
Ssese Islands
Banda Islands Camp
Banda Island Tel: 077-222777
Hornbill Beach
, Buggala Island Tel: 077-729478
Ssese Islands Beach hotel
, Tel: 077408244.