Clay Pigeon Shooting in Uganda
Ssisa Shooting Club
meets every sunday
For many centuries, the sport involving shooting clay –pigeons has been very popular. Also the technology in armaments has drastically increased in the current years, and yet the sport has remained almost unchanged for many centuries. Clay shooting offers a shooter a chance to practice and better their skills on how to shoot birds in the sky. Initially the sport was considered as a means for hunter to perfect their skills in shooting and present a real life situation in which they had to draw, aim and shoot a bird that was flying. This skill can be used in quail, pheasant hunting, duck hunting and any other sort of hunting fast flying birds.
This sport can be done as a social activity or on individual basis. Basing on the category of the thrower that you use, clay shooting is usually done in teams of at least three people. Clay targets are basically clay discs that are released from a pigeon thrower. The thrower releases the disc high into the sky, or away from the shooter in a replication of how a real bird would fly from the shooter that is hunting.
While at clay pigeon shooting, the shooter starts by standing in the rear of the thrower. When he/she is properly set and ready, they will shout “pull”. It is this command that will alert the person operating the thrower to release the clay-targets. Once the target is released, the shooter will follow the clay and aim at shooting it down from the air. Shooting this clay pigeon is not an easy thing to do and can only be perfected after several rounds of practicing. Factually, several people have practiced the shoot to be as good as shooting each clay pigeon released with a single shot.
Majority of the people who participate in this sport aim at perfecting their hunting skills of real birds while others decide to just enjoy the sport itself. The clay pigeons are shot at using shoot guns. The shotgun releases a group of pellets that spread into an arcing pattern that hits the target. Different shooters use different shotguns with dissimilar shot loads, but no matter the variation, they all serve the same purpose which is hitting the clay-targets. Shooting clay pigeons is a very enjoyable sport that can be addictive as long as one spares time to learn it.