Skin Care Products in Uganda

Skin Care products in Uganda
What are skin care products all about in Uganda?
Skin Care products used are those that are used mainly to improve the appearance and health of the skin, formulated for different skin types and associated characteristics. Skin care products often include; cleansers, facial masks, toners, moisturizers, sunscreen, tanning oils and lotions, skin lighteners, serums and exfoliants. Skin. Skin care products in Uganda have become a big deal as everyone looks at having that appealing skin.
Everyone works a lot and so hard to have that perfect and nice looking skin.
You have probably been up and down trying to find a way of treating acne, getting rid of any signs of aging as well as fighting any traces of wrinkles from your face. It can be quite a tedious struggle having to choose from the so many products available on market and even down the lane the from the drug shop.
The Uganda beauty products out there are quite many, most of them expensive and highly priced, even when the results do not often come out effective and efficient. Many of these products will indicate remedies they do not support. Branding and marketing plays a big role therefore as they do not support the indications on these products.
Picking skin care products from off the counter will yield perfect results if the consumer knows what to ask for. Finding out and knowing the ingredients in a skin care product will give you super results especially for skin rejuvenation and reservation when applied and used on a specific skin type.
How do I choose the best skin care products?
You may need to know and consider the following before choosing an over the counter skin care product.
- Knowing your skin type.Ones’s skin is usually oily, dry, sensitive or normal. Knowing your skin type is simple and basic principle as it determines whether the skin care product will be effective, reactive or not with your skin.
- A daily skin care routine. Getting your skin used to a given routine will help you give perfect results with skin care products. An example here is for anti aging creams. Even when the results may take 6 to 8 weeks to be seen, a regular established routine will eventually show improvements with products from off the counter.
- Be mindful of the ‘miracle products’. Some of these products are marketed and branded with the best language and are too good to be true. It is not usually as it is said or written on the products. Some of this is what is commonly known as the marketing language.However, it is good to use one’s own judgment to choose a product they think will work for them. Well known skin care product lines may however be more safe and effective.
- Do a little research about the product. Research on the most active ingredients about any product is important. Some of these are mentioned on certain products when they are actually not included. Botox is an example here; it is usually more effective as an injectable into the underlying muscles. However some for external use only products may also have it as part of the ingredients. If you do not know exactly how they work, find out first.
- Protect your skin with sunscreen products. Products that contain a sun screen are good for protecting your skin from the harsh sun. If you consider maintaining your skin youthful, ensure that the skin care product you are using has at least SPF 30.These may be moisturizers or
- Consult with the professionals. You will often get the comfort and confidence to use a skin care products from which you expect results if you do a good consultation with your dermatology surgeon.
How do I know my skin Type before buying skin care products?
Assessing one’s skin type before purchasing any skin product is important as it is the guide to knowing which product to use. You may otherwise buy so many products and expensively yet with no expected results.
- Know the skin type first. Knowing whether your skin is oily, dry or a combination of both is key in knowing oneself.
- The skin complexion. Your skin may be fair, light, medium dark or very dark. This means that it is very susceptible to burning, rarely burns or doesn’t burn at all.
- Skin Concerns. These may range from dark or age spots, fine lines or facial wrinkles that need special attention, acne, sun damage, and melasma. It.It may be under eye bugs that also require special attention, or even preventive maintenance to avoid pre mature aging.
- Personal habits. Being a smoker, spending a lot of time in the sun and being a daily vitamin consumer affects how you need to take care of your skin.
Where can I get skin care products in Uganda?
A number of skin care product dealers are available in Uganda. Some of these are actually local dealers and Ugandan products.
Examples of dealers in skin care products in Uganda include samona, mwana mugimu, avis, mukwano,skin doctor, sleeping baby, Â nice and lovely to mention but a few.
The skin care product dealers are also well stocked with well known cosmetic and skin care product lines, such as Vaseline, cussions by Unilever which have become more of household names in Uganda.
You will get access to most of these products in supermarkets, grocery shops as some well as pharmacies.
Prominent shops like Body Care will provide you with imported skin care product lines such as Yardley, Olay, L’Oreal ,Cetaphil, mac, sephora, emrelle, clinique, nivea, johnson’s, neutrogena, and many others. These are often sold expensively but with very good impact on your skin.
Chain marketers will also often introduce you to their skin products. Examples here include GNLD and forever living. The dealers that subscribe to these companies usually retail the products. They are often said to have miraculous results however often sold expensively.
Down town shops known as Kikuubo will have almost all types of skin care products that you are looking for and at very affordable prices.
Many other people have studied how to assess people’s skins in beauty schools, while others have taken the path of making and skin care products from organic and traditional herbs.
Such people include the owners of Aloesha Company and Hallelujah beauty products. Most of the ingredients they use are got from the well known herbs from within their environment. They have proved to be more cost effective as they are not so expensive and since they are locally manufactured here in Uganda, one is able to find them in most cosmetic shops around the country.