Uganda Information Technology Consultants

The Use of Information Technology in Uganda
Information Technology Consultants in Uganda
Many business owners wonder how they will have their businesses prosper. They are willing to spend any amount of money to have their businesses operate favorably well. Of recent, there are productive methods that have been put in place; you don’t need to be a specialist to benefit from Information Technology. It’s the simplest way to have your business run appropriately. Get in connection with an IT consultant who will educate you on how to have your business compete with the rest of the world. Don’t flick out because you don’t have the technical proficiency, just work towards developing your business. There are so many things that the information Technology consultant can do for your business.
Let’s have a brief introduction of what information
consulting is all about  IT consulting borders technology as well as business services. It’s a department that works towards helping businesses with the new technology of IT and have their business goals achieved. Majority of people currently know the importance of technology because it’s what is governing the world. People that embrace their businesses with technology are succeeding at a faster rate than those that do it their own way. They aim at reducing costs and improving productivity. IT consultants can be referred to as the technology instructors that focuses on developing different types of businesses and enable them stay in operation.
The IT consulting sector can certainly be divided into three groups; we start with the professional service companies that sustain a big workforce of specialists and on average charges them some money for the services rendered. Secondly are the staffing firms, this aim at putting an IT consultant in the business or on a momentary basis. Lastly is the independent consultant, this one acts as a service provider or perhaps as a subcontractor. They work in different kinds of companies and any selection from these may suit your company.
The information Technology Consultants evaluates the company’s recent technology; furthermore make proposals to optimize work along with plan for the future technological ways concerning individual business objectives or goals. An IT consultant offers sovereign and purposeful advice to companies and how to use this method to have their business problems solved. You must know your motive to achieve your goal in the business world. This appraise will definitely help you know your stand in business and its up to date status. Through reorganization, better communication skills as well as coming up with new software, IT consultant companies will enable your organization succeed and adjust to the changing environment of the business world. Businesses have been able to flourish because of the information given by the IT consultant companies.
The work of the IT consultant is to install, implement and manage your IT systems for your particular company. Right after an evaluation, your IT consultant gives you the results and still advises you on how to make changes where necessary. This may necessitate you to make a future plan for your business. Other roles carried out by the IT consultants include editing existing programs, configuring network, upgrading hardware and developing new programs. It’s not worth it to waste time learning how to operate a machine and yet you can hire professional IT consultants to do the work for you. The major role of the consultant is to improve productivity and also to see how the company progresses
A directory to IT consultants in Uganda
Siona Pros Ltd.
86 Kanjokya Street 35859,Kampala Kampala
Second Life (U) Ltd.
65 High Street Mbarara MbararaSecond Life (U) Ltd.
145 – 147 Nakawa Industrial Area UMA Show Ground 36610,Kampala Kampala041-4371176
ICT Consults Ltd.
54 Makerere University Faculty of Computing & IT 5 25964,Kampala Kampala041-4534565, 041-4534565
N’Ware Ltd.
6/8 Nakasero Lane Kisozi House 24090,Kampala Kampala041-4259906, 031-2273885
Service & Computer Industries (U) Limited (NCR)
94 William Street NCR Bilding 2109,Kampala Kampala041-2351700, 041-4351721, 031-2351700
Vantage Communications (U) Ltd.
17 Cooper Road Kamwokya – Kisementi 26401,Kampala Kampala041-4510391, 031-2262965/6
Bitwork Technologies (U) Ltd.
135 Lugogo, UMA Show Ground Bitwork Technologies B 851,Kampala Kampala041-4579099, 078-2480878
Data Fundi (U) Ltd.
106 Kanjokya Street Bukoto 7843,Kampala Kampala041-4252888, 031-2262822
Second Life (U) Ltd.
30 Kasese Road Opp. Kobil Fort Portal Fort Portal0483-422880
Second Life (U) Ltd.
30 Kasese Road Opp. Kobil Fort Portal Fort Portal0483-422880
Ariel Consulting & Technologies Ltd.
1 Colville Street Communication House 5th Floor 1588,Kampala Kampala041-4258392, 041-4258394
Elixir Systems Ltd.
55/60 Kampala Road Ambassador House 31315,Kampala Kampala077-2424502
Realtech Systems Ltd.
8 – 10 Kampala Road Uganda House 4th Floor Rm. 7.3 21214,Kampala Kampala041-4236616, 077-2120195
VOS Tech
108 Kizungu Lane 1737,Kampala Kampala041-4267913, 031-2265539
Link IT Advisory
74 Ben Kiwanuka Street 22309,Kampala Kampala041-4371435, 078-2869688