Uganda calling cards, prepaid calling cards to uganda

Can I stay in touch with my People on telephone when I travel to Uganda?
If you are interested in travelling with your mobile, a great way to keep in touch with your family or business is by the use of a calling card. Overseas Uganda calling cards are available to serve your needs.
With most of the call card services, you can actually save about 60% on international calls.
There are opportunities for you to recharge anywhere. Please take note of the countries where the various calling card services operate.
While looking for cheap calling cards to Uganda, Look for calling cards that have the following advantages.
Coverage of the card
Connection fees
Hidden charges.
Dialing options, e.g. Pinless Dialing
Rechargeable card
Monthly maintainance fee
Check the manufacturer of the card.
Where in Uganda can I buy a sim Card and at what price?
Quick Uganda SIM card facts
Price of a SIM card USD 35
network GSM 900/1800
When in Uganda, you can use your own phone. All you need to do is to replace your SIM card with the one from Uganda. You can actually pay local rate for the calls made locally.
You can easily send SMS accross the world or send a picture message of a Gorilla you have just tracked in Bwindi.
The SIM card of Uganda includes the following
Free incoming calls
a local cell phone number in Uganda
Voice mail
Call waiting
News updates
multi language support
Starter credit . Varies from time to time.
About your phone, make sure it can be used in Uganda. Please refer to your handset manual or the retailer of the phone.
Before swapping the SIM cards, ensure that you turn on your voice mail option and leave a message quoting your new number.
Dont forget to put the important telephone numbers on the handset.
You may also need to add or store your closest person’s telephone number on your handset, thats for security and health reasons, anything can happen!
Most of the phones that work in Europe also work well in Uganda. Particulary the GSM wireless technology phone is reliable.
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Uganda Calling Cards