Uganda Taxation Consultants

How do Tax consultants work in Uganda?
Tax consultants are specialists who are well prepared with information about taxation. This term simply means imposing a financial fee upon a person or a company that is well known for its dealings. These experts can certainly assist you in the payment of your tax even if you don’t have enough resources.
It calls upon all individuals and businesses to keep good records of their payment; this helps them to know when they are supposed to pay so as to avoid problems with the revenue authority. It’s a duty of every citizen to pay tax and conform to the requirements needed. Tax consultants come in when taxpayers are hesitate to pay the company. Their work is to ensure that all taxes are paid in time and appropriately.
Organizing tax reports may be difficult if they are not filed and stored in their applicable places. If a taxpayer is caught without paying his charges that should not be taken as an excuse because they are always reminded when their next payment is due. But just in case the situation becomes harder for the taxpayers, the tax consultants may come in to lessen the load by recording the tax returns and give them a grace period on when to pay.
Before you think of help from an expert, you must do some research to enable you get a reliable tax consultant that is legally well known and experienced in this field. This person must be able to educate people on the importance of taxes to the country and still advise people on how to have their taxes paid on time. Guidelines of taxations are quite complicated to lay man. Sensitization is a better tool to have people respond to the need of taxation.
There are times when tax suspended is bigger than what the tax payer has to pay. In such a situation, the tax consultant may come in to advice on what to do and how to handle the payer according to the rules governing the authority. They are taught how to handle people in the best way possible.
An instance where a tax consultant is needed is when the tax payer refuses to pay his tax dues. In this case whether someone intentionally refuses to pay or forgets, he or she may serve the penalties set for such criminals and for someone to be billed out, this may necessitate one to have lots of money which may have used to pay your tax in time. Reliable tax consultants will surely help you deal with such problems in a professionally way.
A directory to tax Consultation companies in Uganda
Sejjaaka, Kaawaase & Company
31 Bukoto Street Kamwokya 7657,Kampala Kampala
041-4540648, 031-2265001
Financial Tax Services
Above Nandose Cargen House Kampala Kampala041-4372822
PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
1 Colville Street Communications House 10th Floor 882,Kampala Kampala041-4238016, 041-4233743, 031-2354400
Ernst & Young
18 Clement Hill Road Shimoni Office Village Ernst 7215,Kampala Kampala041-4343520/4
Birungyi, Barata & Associates
3 Portal Avenue Crusader House 3rd Floor 21086,Kampala Kampala041-4349669
Mwanje & Company Certified Public Accountants
1 Portal Avenue Span House Suite 403D 37506,Kampala Kampala039-2882406, 075-4390887
Byamugisha & Partners
30 Kampala Road Opp. Bank of Uganda Greenland Towe 16084,Kampala Kampala041-4577406, 075-2702714
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU)
42 Bukoto Street Kololo 12464,Kampala Kampala041-4540125, 031-2262333
Deloitte (U) Ltd.
1 Lumumba Avenue Rwenzori Courts 3rd Floor 10314,Kampala Kampala041-4343850