Uganda Insurance Companies, Get Insured in Uganda, Health Insurance, Brokers and Agents
What is insurance all about in Uganda?
Insurance in Uganda
, from
Travel insurance coverage
Auto Insurance
home insurance
finance insurance
and so much more to do with Insurance brokers and Insurers, or Consultants.
If you are a consistent traveler, you must be aware of the immense important to including travel insurance in your travel and holiday budget. It does it very important to take a policy to cover medical expenses, travel supplies, lost cargo, accidents and many other mishaps that could occur on either a short or long trip.
For many travelers, taking general travel insurance policy may be good (especially for first time travelers) but it is not a wise decision. Unless your travel budget is not limited, you can opt for the genera policy and skip the hassle of comparing and understanding policy coverage and benefits for taking individual policies. Putting it plainly, general policy is not cost effective.
Tips on choosing travel insurance policies
Finding an affordable and appropriate travel insurance policy is not easy and requires dedication, time and effort. Many companies all over the world make attractive offers with many coverage plans and polices but what is the he yardstick to getting the right insurance policy?
The activities that are part of your holiday, vacation or travel plans should determine the policy you are to choose. Adventure activities such as mountain climbing, water sport and skiing among others should be catered for in your policy. Although insurance providers have many benefits for general policies, there are tailored policies where customer can choose the items to include in their insurance plan. General/Universal policies are tailored for people who are often traveling the world.
Taking insurance is more of risk management. A traveler should look out for travel policies that will minimize the level or risk and yet earn greater benefits for less! Getting a travel insurance plan with lots of useless plans for your trip means you are paying more for nothing. Cheap travel insurance is also costly when it doesn’t have the benefits and coverage essential for your trip. Taking personalized insurance saves you from spending on items that are not valid for claim.
Revise the universal travel policies that insurance providers are offering to get a pick on the benefits that should make your ideal travel insurance policy. Most of the offers from insurance providers come in bundled packages such as family insurance, Multi-trip, group travel, Global insurance benefits, single trips and Business among other offers. Reading through such plans saves you time on identifying items to include for your private policy. While looking for a travel insurance policy consider value for money, flexibility when you need to make changes, credibility of the company and piece of mind
Finally, there are many websites that offer comparisons for insurance plans from different countries. It is very important to make use of such sites to find appropriate travel policies and what companies they recommend to travelers.
A Directory to Insurance companies and Insurance Brokers in Uganda
UAP Insurance
Plot 1, Kimathi Avenue
PO Box 7185Kampala
Telephone: +256 – 414- 332700
Facsimile: +256 – 414 – 25638
email: uap[at]
AAR Health Services
Clement Hill, Hill View APT Ground Fl
P OÂ Box 6240, Kampala
Tel 255991/5, 031- 261319/8
Fax 255615
EM aar@aarcoug
AIG Uganda Ltd
60 Bombo Road, AIG House, Wandegeya-opposite YMCA
POBox 707‘7, Kampala
Tel 533781
Fax 541572
Alexander Forbes Uganda Ltd
3 Bandali Rise-Bugolobi
Box 3190, Kampala
Tel: 041-222217, 031-262851
Fax: 041-221853
E-mail: aforbes@librartycoug
Website: wwwalexanderforbescom
Alliance Insurance Co Ltd
17/19 Kampala Road, Diamond Trust
POBox 7787, Kampala
Tel 343734, 234261
Fax 236181
AON Uganda Ltd
Plot 20A Akiibua Road
P O Box 3132, Kampala
Tel 230238, 344819, 229100
Fax 031- 229234/5
EM aonuganda@aoncoug
Astra Insurance Brokers Ltd
MTK Building , Nasser Road
P O Box 924, Kampala
Tel 232125
Fax 232147
Cannon Insurance Consultant Ltd
Plot 1083, Kabakanjagala Road, Mengo
P OÂ Box 4583, Kampala
Tel 041- 270047, 270057, 274682
EM canno@starcomcoug
Capital Insurance Consultants Ltd
Raja Chembers, Suit 22 , Parliament Ave
PÂ OÂ Box 30, Kampala
Tel 348638, 254269
Fax 341338
EM patrickkaye@hotmailcom
Chancery Wright Insurance Brokers (U) Ltd
Plot 45, Jinja Road
PÂ OÂ Box 25672, Kampala
Tel 348464
Fax 348341
Crown Diamond Insurance Brokers Ltd
Plot 16/18 William Street, Kalungi Plaza Suite No 101
POBox 28670, Kampala
Tel 347147,
(Res) 531933
Fax 347147, 347994
Mob 077 458609
EM josebacrodia@yahoocom
East Africa General Insurance Co Ltd
Plot 14 Entebbe Road, Insurance House
POBox 1392, Kampala
Tel 259390, 259394, 259395
Fax 232895
EMail uhb@infocomcoug
East African General Insurance Co
Plot 23B Main Street
POBox 1001, Jinja
Tel 120896
East African Underwriters Ltd
20 Dewinton Rise/20 Jinja Rd
P O Box 22938, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-232893/31-264918
Fax: 256-41-234221
Email: eaul@eaunderwruterscom
Empire Insurance Group (EIG) Ltd
Plot 15 Jinja Road, Henry House
POBox 7720, Kampala
Tel 259207, 236318
Mob 075 641968
Excel Insurance Company Limited
2D Nkurumah Road Crest House
Box 7213, Kampala
Tel: 041-348595/6/7
Fax: 041-342304
E-mail: excelins@infocomcoug
Family Insurance Services Ltd
Nsambya Hill, Gaba Road-Kabalagala
PÂ OÂ Box 22546, Kampala
Tel 041 – 268296
Fax 041 – 268305
Mob  071 – 202202
EMÂ fis@utlonlinecoug
First Insurance Co Ltd
King Fahad Plaza1st Floor
PO Box 5245, Kampala
Tel 233750, 342863
Mob 075 2760117, 075 2657069
Five Star Insurance Service Ltd
No 4 Ambassador House
PÂ OÂ Box 23035, Kampala
Tel 349089/90
Fax 234897
EM fivestar@spacenetcoug
Globe Consult Ltd
Kimathi Avenue 4th Floor Pan Africa Hse
PÂ OÂ Box 21974, Kampala
Tel 041- 348336
Fax 592799
Mob 075- 750590, 077- 592799
EM globe@infocomcoug
Goldstar Insurance Co Ltd
Plot 38 Kampala Road,
Crane Chambers
POBox 7781, Kampala
Tel 250110, 250111, 343704
Fax 041-254956
EM goldstar@goldstarinsurancecoug
Web wwwgoldstarinsurancecom
Imperial Insurance Company Ltd
Hotel Equatorial Arcade
P O Box 24256, Kampala
Tel 348290/2, 250780/9 EXT 847
Fax 346470
EMÂ iiclug@hotmailcom
Insurance Company of East Africa (Uganda) Ltd
Rwenzori Courts, Nakasero Road
PÂ O Box 33953
Tel 347535, 232337, 250719
Fax 347534
EMÂ icea@africaonlinecoug
Web wwwiceacoug
Jubilee Insurance Co Ltd
14 Parliament Avenue
POBox 10234, Kampala
Tel 236029, 344949, 343743
Fax 258539
Mob 075 2751825
EMail jubileeu@swiftugandacom
Leads Insurance Ltd
King Fahd plaza 1st Floor
PÂ OÂ Box 26191, Kampala
Tel 253283/4/5, 253695,
031 263980
Fax 253286
EM leadsinsural999@dehezinet
Lion Assurance Company Ltd
12th Floor Crested Towers Building
P OÂ Box 7658, Kampala
Tel 341450
Fax 257027
EM pwico@imulcom
Multiple Consult Network Limited
1055 Nsamya Off Gabba Road
P O Box 22546, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-510070
Fax: 256-41-510070
Mob: 256-772-483705
Email: mcn@utlonlinecoug
National Insurance Corporation Ltd
3 Pilkington Nic Buliding
P O Box 7134, Kampala
Tel: 246-41-258001/5,31-258001/2,
Fax: 256-41-259925
Mob: 256-75-2258005
Email: nic@niccoug
Web: wwwniccoug
Oriental Insurance Brokers Ltd
Plot 8 Luwum Street, Universal House
PÂ OÂ Box 619, Kampala
Tel 041- 255906
PRP Insurance Services Ltd
Universal House Plot 59 Nkrumah Road
PÂ OÂ Box 24407, Kampala
Tel 348515
Fax 255678
EM prp@africaonlinecom
Pan Africa Insurance Co Ltd
Plot 3 Kimathi Avenue, Pan Africa House
POBox 5318, Kampala
Tel 258346, 234676, 259052
Fax 259052
Telex 61175
Mobile Phone 075 2695700
Paramount Insurance Company Ltd
Plot 14, Wilson Road Twese Building
PÂ OÂ Box 6427, Kampala
Tel 041- 234143
Fax 041- 234143
Mob 075- 620546
Paulmuga Agencies Limited
Plot 66 William Street, Suit 1A Kantono House
P O Box 3086, Kampala
Tel 031 261216, 041 252572
Mob 0772 503745
EM palmuga@yahoocouk
Phoenix Of Uganda Assurance Company Ltd
Workers’ House 8″Floor
Box 70149, Kampala
Tel: 041-349659/60/61/63,
Fax: 041-349662
Mob: 071-2309087, 071-2691501,
E-mail: info @ phoenix uganda com
Platinum Insurance Ltd
Plot 76A Kampala Road, Shoal House
POBox 9498, Kampala
Tel 230831, 230832
Fax 230832
Prompt Insurance Limited
4A Pilkington Rd Colline House
P O Box 26191, Kampala
Tel 348175
Fax 250582
Mob 077 374809, 077 464625
Prompt Insurance Ltd
Pilkington Road , Colline House
P OÂ Box 5311, Kampala
Tel 348175
Fax 250582
EMÂ info@pilcoug
Web wwwpilcoug
Rio Insurance Co Ltd
20 Kampala Rd, Radiant H’se
POBox 5710, Kampala
Tel 341264,341202
Fax 235292
Mob 0772-655557
Rock Insurance Services Ltd
Clement Hill Road , 2nd Fl Cotton House
PÂ OÂ Box 28818, Kampala
Tel/Fax 233339
Mob 075- 699268, 075 – 777313
EM rock@africaonlinecoug
Royal Insurance Consultants Ltd
Kalungi Plaza, 16 William Street
P O Box 8206, Kampala
Tel 346439
Fax 346439
Mob 077-426516
Southern Union Insurance Brokers (U) Ltd
4th Floor Metropole House
P O Box 24674, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-349527/349345/
Fax: 256-41-349385
Mob: 256-77-760118
Email: suid@utlonlinecoug
State Wide Insurance Co Ltd
1 Bombo Road, Sure House
POBox 9393, Kampala
Tel 345995, 345996
Fax 041-343403
EM swico@infocomcoug
State Wide Insurance Co Ltd
55A Main Street, Madhvani House
POBox 872, Jinja
Tel 120384
State Wide Insurance Co Ltd
Plot 1/3 Manafa Road, BCU Building
POBox 660, Mbale
Tel 34466
State Wide Insurance Co Ltd
Plot 8 Elgon Road
POBox 1440, Masaka
Tel 20598
The First American Insurance Latermidiaries
Plot 14 Parliament Avenue,
IPS Building, 1st floor,
Next to American Embassy
POBox 5757, Kampala
Tel 230561
Fax 230566
The Uganda Insurance Commission
Plot 10 Kampala Road, NIC Building, 3rd Floor
POBox 22855, Kampala
Tel 346712
Trans Africa Assurance Company Ltd
13/15 Kimathi Ave Impala Hse
P O Box 7601, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-251411
Fax: 256-41-254511
Mob: 256-77-2707147
Email: taacl@spacenetcoug
Transworld Insurance Services Ltd
Kob House Office No 1/2
P O Box 9907, Kampala
Tel 345132
Fax 345132
Mob 075- 655432
EM trustservice@utlonlinecoug
Uganda Insurers Association
24a Kololo Acacia Avenue
P O Box 8912, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-230469,347492
Fax: 256-41-230469
Mob: 256-75-2692683
Email: ugainsure@utlonlinecom
United Assurance Co Ltd
Plot 1 Kimathi Avenue, United Assurance House
POBox 7185, Kampala
Tel 234190, 234191, 234192
Fax 256388
EM uac@infocomcom
Universal Galaxy Insurance Brokers Ltd
Raja Chambers
P O Box 3236, Kampala
Tel: 256-41-348132/232189
Fax: 256-41-232189
Mob: 256-77-2583846/2369059
Email: universalgalaxy@siticablecoug
Vital Insurance Services Ltd
Bauman House Suite B – 111E
PÂ OÂ Box 792, Kampala
Tel 346299, 342391
Mob 077- 445177
Worldwide Insurance and Financial Services Ltd
Gaba Road 2nd Fl, Kirabo Kyamaria Hse
PÂ OÂ Box 11081, Kampala
Tel 269686
Mob 077- 441716
Uganda Insurance Services